Spiritual Letter 66 - Outline & Summary Version About Spiritual Letter 66 Title: "Thank You For Showing Us Your Faith & Trust In God" Date Written and Posted: January, 2005 Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Written to: Mr. Ellis Thomas, a High School Classmate of Louie Beutler
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Page 1 of 5 Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 66
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Here is Page 1 of 5 of a beautiful letter to a High School Classmate of this child, a Mr. Ellis Thomas, who has recently demonstrated very strong faith and trust in God, and who is currently going through a situation in his life that allows him to be an example to all of us of his Iman, of his absolute, unshakable faith, certitude, and determination in God, in the truth that "Only God exists" within us, and in the truth that "God is One" within us. Amen.
As always, this letter was written by this child sitting at the feet of God for our age, at the feet of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) on the "outside" of us, and is respectfully and humbly shared with each of you at this time. Amen.
Outline & Summary Version - of Spiritual Letter 66 Outline of Spiritual Letter - for page 1 of 5 only
that is, your faith and trust in God appears excellent, and that is very good not what we may believe in our ignorance is happening on the "outside" of us This is what we must understand, and then either accept or reject it, before we die
Text of Spiritual Letter - for page 1 of 5 only 1. We Heard About Your Condition - but the condition within the condition looks good, that is, your faith and trust in God appears excellent, and that is very good. Amen
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brother Ellis Thomas - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
We just received an E-mail from Pierce Pelouze about your physical condition, which included a copy of the recent letter that you sent to him, and we personally want to thank you for your wonderful words of encouragement, for showing us your faith & trust in God, especially in your current condition, words that can help us all in our lives, especially your closing words to Pierce, as follows.
"At least I know where I am. The medical staff is great and keeps me informed. I was put on Hospice immediately and those people have been God-sends".
"I don't know what else to say at this time, but it looks like my death can happen at any time. Yes miracles happen, but I have put the entire thing in God's hands. He has given me a wonderful wife and daughter who with her family have been great care givers. Our lives now are one day at a time.
Thanks for listening. God's Peace, Ellis Thomas."
2. Our Relationship of "Oneness With" God Within Us - is the whole point of our life, not what we may believe in our ignorance is happening on the "outside" of us, which in truth is just the drama of our life, a drama of "separation and differences" that only tends to "separate us" from God within us, and "separate us" from each other on the "outside" of us, and "separate us" from the Creation of God within us, which in truth is the "Earth of God" within us, within which God must plant the "Seed of God" within us, to grow the "Tree of God" within us, and bring to maturity and harvest the "Fruits of God" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, if we will only let Him
Such is the true nature of our life, and of the life of God within us, if we will only join God in "His Grand Endeavor" within us, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, a death which is the eventual fate of all of us, because if we do truly step out in this direction, toward "Oneness with" God within us, before we die to the "outside" of us, then our life has become successful in our own lifetime, because once we have correctly started this within us, once we truly intend to become "One with" God within us, before we die to the "outside" of us, it doesn't matter anymore what happens to us on the "outside" of us, for we have become successful in our lifetime, for God will then complete this intention for us, either here or there, and this is the great Truth of our life, and of the "Truth of God" within it.
May we both know this now, my dearest loving brother Ellis, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly, start to act as if "God and Us" are One within us, because in truth we are, both here and later, if we will only trust and love in God enough now to allow Him to make it so within us, both now and later. Amen
May we both reflect a little on this truth of our lives, in the time still allotted to us by God, which in God's infinite Mercy and Compassion is always enough to complete what needs to be completed before we are done here, and go off to the next "School of God", for in truth this is just the first of many "Schools of God", with this first one being the "School of Contrasts", where we learn about what "separates us" from God.
And with the next school being the "School of Light", where God personally teaches us about God, and it is learning our lessons correctly here, and passing our exams in this first school that gains us entrance into the next one, just like we must finish grammar school before we can go to high school, no matter how much we may want to skip it, and go directly to high school, because if we didn't learn our ABCs in grammar school, we would never be able to master something more important in high school, like "football" and girls". Ok?
(Note: that is what my dear wife calls a "Louie joke". Please excuse the digression)
In this way, this is the whole point of our life, what is going on within us, between "us" within us and God within us, and not what we may think is happening on the "outside" of us, in this way, it is to face what God places before us, with God within us, with "us" within us as "One with" God within us, and not with "us" living on the "outside" of us, as "separate from" God within us, that makes our life truly successful in our own lifetime, in this way, facing everything that comes to us with our faith and trust in God within us, with our personal relationship of "Oneness with" God within us, that is, with "us" within us as "One with" God within us.
This is the "Straight Path" of God spoken about by all of the Prophets of God in all of the religions of the world, and this is the understanding of the "Straight Path" of God for our age, that God has given to the Children of God for our age, as the "Gift of God" for our age, as the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), which we will share more about with you, if you like, later in this letter. Ok?
For it is this, this faith and trust in God within us, our personal relationship or partnership with God within us, the relationship of "us' within us as "One with" God within us, that makes each moment of our life either a glorious moment or a tragic moment, that makes it either something that has been of great value to our life, or of no real value to our life, and to the lives of those blessed by God to be with us, like our wife, our children, our family and our friends, because what they will most remember about us is how we handled the difficulties and suffering of our life, by either relying on God within us, who always comes through in the end, or by trying to rely on the world on the "outside" of us which always lets us down, sooner or later.
In this way, truly teaching them, by our own example, about the "Power of God" within all of us, that can overcome and control everything, including death, not just by us "talking about God", when in truth we may not have any real love or trust in God within us.
This is so very important in the lives of our children, and of our family and friends, that they see us down on our knees, praying to God, not only when the sun shines, but when the clouds of our life are covering us, allowing our children to see that "our words and our actions" are one, that what we say and what we do are the same, that in truth we are not a hypocrite, when it comes to our relationship to God within us, no matter how we may appear to act to them in the world on the "outside" of us, which is a whole other matter.
This is so important for our wife, and children, and for our family and friends to see in us, because it is the greatest gift we can give to them, which is our example of our true faith and trust and love for God within us, our example of our "Oneness with" God within us, before we die to the "outside" of us. There is nothing greater than this that we can show them.
For as His Holiness Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us,
"What destroys the children of the world is the hypocrisy of the parents."
Please keep this truth in mind as the days ahead of you unfold, my dearest loving brother Ellis. And please read and reflect on the beautiful words of wisdom contained within this letter, over and over again, and if you become unable to read it, please get your wife, and children, and family, and friends to read it to you, until the end, and they will all benefit from it and from this experience, because in truth we are all "One with" each other within us, not "separate from" each other as we currently see each other on the "outside" of us. .
This is the "Great Secret" of God within us, which is "Oneness", which is truly a great and wonderful surprise when we start to experience it in our own life, that is, when we start to experience the "Oneness of "us", and of each other, and of God, and of True Man within us.
For example, in truth this is your own life speaking to you, not someone "separate from" you writing you a letter, as it is normally viewed on the "outside" of us.
For example, in truth this is the "truth of us" and the "truth of God" within us emerging from within us, when we are ready to hear it, and now you are most certainly ready to hear it, as is everyone living in the world today, and when we are ready to either accept or reject it, just as it came to this child almost 30 years ago, in the summer of 1975, when we heard it and accepted it, with it changing our life forever, ending the "night" of our life, and beginning the "light" of our life, which has been growing brighter and brighter each day ever since. What a wonder is this God of ours, and the way that He works His Magic.
Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. All praise and praising belong to God, and to God alone. Only God is Great. Amen.
So now the choice is yours, my dearest loving brother Ellis, just as it was for this child when we first heard these beautiful words of God for our age, which His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us, is just like the choice each apple seed must make that is buried within the earth, when it also first hears and becomes aware of the truth of itself, and the truth of what has been hidden within it, which is the apple tree.
When it realizes that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to grow, and then it must decide, it must decide to germinate or not, because not all apple seeds, as not all people, do germinate, some reject the truth they have heard and continue to live as "separate from" the earth and "separate from" the apple tree hidden within them, some continue to live a life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of themselves, until they die, until they rot in the earth, and are absorbed into the earth, taking on 105 million rebirths, but never again to be born as an apple seed.
In this way, forever breaking their direct connection to the story of the apple tree within the story of the apple within them, and the story of the apple within the story of the apple tree within them, which are the stories that in truth each apple seed comes to the earth, as the "seed of the apple tree", and hidden within that, as the "seed of the apple fruit" hidden within the "seed of the apple tree", to join with the earth, to tell.
And so it is with each of us, my dearest loving brother Ellis, we too have a choice to make, to germinate or not, before we die to the "outside" of us, to join as "One with" God within us, to let God finish what He has started within us.
Realizing, without the slightest doubt, that in order for God to do this "Heart's Work" within us, we must willingly and freely give up "us" on the "outside" of us, we must give up "us" as "separate from" God on the "outside" of us, we must give up our current life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, a life of "separation and differences", as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, so God within us can plant the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us. And in this way, allowing God within us to complete what God has started within each of us a very, very long time ago, even before we were born into this earth world, and that is to reveal God to God within us for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
And the choice is ours, not God, because God has already made His choice, and He choose "Oneness with" each of us, and that is why we are alive in the world today, so now we can make our choice, before we die, and choose either an eternal life of "Oneness with" God within us, or to continue with "business as usual" on the "outside" of us, as "separate from", and after we die get as our reward an eternal life as "separate from", as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other within us, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us. Yes, the choice is certainly ours to make.
For as our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us,
"Hell is simply the realization that we have separated ourselves from God."
In this way, my dearest loving brother Ellis, in truth this beautiful letter is a "Gift From God" for all of us living in this age, for in truth it is from my heart to your heart, which in truth is the "One Open Heart of God" for our age, and if you do accept it as such, as the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, as this child has, then you too will find that what lays ahead of you, no matter what it is, is acceptable to you.
And if you do truly realize, understand, and accept this "truth of you" within you, and this "truth of God" within that "truth of you", and then truly join with it by becoming "One with" it, before you "say or do" anything on the "outside" of you, that is, by establishing the "Presence of God" within you, by invoking the "Name of God" for your age, before you "say or do" anything, then your life has been successful in your own life time, and God will do everything else.
That is, if you do truly accept and join with the "truth of you", that in truth you are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and that within that truth within you, you are the "truth of God" within you, you are the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within you, then your life has been successful in your own lifetime, and God will do everything else.
And in this way, and only in this way, then "You are One", then "you" within you, God within you, and True Man within God within you, are One within you.
Then "you" as the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within you, and God within you, and True Man within God within you are One within you, and if that seed does germinates, and then "you" as the "Tree of God" within you, that grows out of the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within you, and True Man within that "Tree of God" within you, are One within you.
Then "you" as the "Seed of True Man", the "Seed of God's Fruits", within the "Tree of God", and True Man within that "Tree of God", are One within you, and if that tree comes to maturity and bear fruit within you, and then "you" as the sweet taste within the "Fruits of God and True Man" within God and True Man within you, and again the "Seed of God" within the "Fruits of God and True Man", are One within you.
Such is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us, and when this truly happens within us, then "we" will be within it. Amen.
And this is just like what happens in an apple tree, with the apple seed buried within the earth pointing to the truth of us, that is, to the truth of our current state, that in truth we are not "you and I" living on the "outside" of us, as we currently believe, but rather in truth we are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within us, just waiting to germinate within us, just waiting for "us" within us as "One with" God within us, to truly step out in that direction within us, on the "Straight Path" of God within us, toward "Oneness with" God within us, just waiting for "us" within us to awaken to the "Truth of Us" within us, and to the "Truth of God" within that "Truth of Us" within us, and then, just as the apple seed buried within the earth is really the apple tree happening within it, so are we.
And within that, just as the apple tree is really the apple fruit happening, so are we. And within that, just as the apple fruit is really the apple seed happening again, so are we, but this time a 1000 fold.
And in this way, the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple fruit are one, and in a similar way, "us" within us, and God within us, and True Man within God within us, are One, and if we do truly accept this, and if we do truly join with it within us, becoming "One with" it, or at least truly starting to become "One with" it, before we die to the "outside" of us, then our life has been successful in our own life time, and God will complete everything else.
And in this way, if you do let this happen within you, if you do at least let this start to happen again within you, if you do let these stories start to be told again within you, the story of God within the story of True Man within you, and the story of True Man within the story of God within you, then your life has been successful in your own life time, for God will do everything else.
And in this way, if you join in partnership with God within you to ensure that this "Heart's Work" starts to happen again within you, to ensure that these stories start to be told again within you, to ensure that God starts to finish again what He has started within you a very, very long time age, then your life has been successful in your own life time, for God will do everything else.
And if you do this not as a "partner of God", because God has no partners, but as One who has again become "One with" God within you, as you were before, in the world of souls within you, and in the womb on the "outside" of you, and up to around the age of 2, on the "outside" of you, but doing it now with God and True Man within you, as "One with" God and True Man within you, and in this way, doing it now with an understanding of that "Oneness" that is God and True Man within you, of that "Oneness" that in truth is God and True Man and "you" within you, so it will never leave you again, then your life has been successful in your own life time, for God will do everything else.
And if you make this your only work, the only work that you perform both within you and on the "outside" of you, for the rest of your life, rather than continuing to "work for wages" to get into some illusory heaven on the "outside" of you, which in truth is just "selfishness", which in truth is just a reflection of your mind and desire, and of your current life of "separation and differences", of your current life of sin, on the "outside" of you, and is not connected in any way with God within you, and with what God is trying to do within you, then your life has been successful in your own life time, for God will do everything else.
If you do this, if you allow this "Divine Work" of God to start up again within you, as it was happening before within you, in the world of souls within you, in the womb, and for your first two years here, if you give God within you permission to do this again within you, to again do this "Heart's Work" within you, making yourself available at all time to God for this work, then your life has been successful in your own lifetime.
With "you" within you allowing God within you to bring to an end within you all that you gave birth to and have grown within you, in your ignorance within you, all that you now see in your ignorance as existing on the "outside" of you, all that you now see in your ignorance as "you" and your dearest loving brothers and sisters living a life of "separation and differences", a life of "selfishness", a life of "I and you", a life of "mine and yours", a life of sin, on the "outside" of you.
And allowing God within you to bring the Creation of God within you to completion and to judgment within you, doing it all now before you die, not later after you die, when their judgment will become very difficult for you in your current state, with you having become "one with" them within you rather than "One with" God within you.
And in this way, with "you" within you joining with your wisdom within you, and with God within your wisdom, to bring this inner focus, this inner priority, and this inner duty into your every thought, your every look, your every word and action on the "outside" of you, then your life has been successful in your own lifetime, no matter what.
No matter what may happen in the world on the "outside" of you, no matter how must longer you may live in the "outside" world of you, and even no matter how must longer there even is a physical word on the "outside" of any of us, and no matter how much longer any of us physically live in that world, that world which in truth we only see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, but which in truth is really within us, is really within each of us, is really what we have allowed in our ignorance to grow within us.
A world within us that we have now become "one with", with "us" in truth living in our ignorance on the "outside" of us "as if" we were the elemental spirits or ruhanies that we gave birth to and have grown within us in our ignorance, and "as if" we were the Creation of God that God has personally placed within us, in a state of incompleteness within us, for His purposes.
And now because of this mistake, we are now all living lives that involve what God has discarded within us, what God discarded in order to become God within us, rather than lives that involve God within us and what God is doing within us, which includes the 124,000 Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God within us, as well as God's grace, wisdom, and 'ilm or divine knowledge.
With "us" in this state wrongly focusing on "ourselves" as "separate from" God within us, rather than on God within us, rather than on "us" within us as "One with" God within us, wrongly focusing on "us" having wives and husbands, families, races and religions, children and friends and relationships, when in truth we are "Of God' within us, and "Of what God is doing" within us, and God has none of these things, and what God is doing within us involves none of these things, for what He is doing within each of us is "selfless", not "selfish", is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
Which if we truly join with God in this "Grand Endeavor" within us, will bring all of the elemental spirits or ruhanies within us, that we have grown in our ignorance within us, to an end within us, and bring "us" and the Creation of God within us to completion within us, bringing both them and "us" as "One" into a state of light within us, as the "Palace of the soul" within us, the "House of wisdom" within us, the House of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) within us, which is our 6th level of wisdom within us, which is the "House of Light" within us that will carry "Us" to the "Next School of God" within us, to the "School of Light" within us, after we die to the "outside" of us, and in this way, removing both them and "us" from our current state of darkness and evil within us, before we die. Amen.
This is the true mistake in our life, a mistake that can easily be corrected when we again become "One with" God within us, or at least truly start that process, before we die. Amen.
A mistake that we must begin to fully understand, before we die, because what we have grown withinus has become the lives of darkness and evil within us that control us now on the "outside" of us, and will torture us in our grave, if we don't join with God within us, as"One with" God within us, to remove them, and to bring the Creation of God within us to Completion within us, allowing our life to correctly grow and come to maturity within us, as originally planned for us by God within us. The choice is certainly ours, but time is growing shorter for all of us. Amen.
My dearest loving brother Ellis, this is God's guarantee for the Children of God for this age, if we just truly step out in this direction in our life, on the "Straight Path" of God for our age, in the direction of again becoming "Oneness with" God within us, before we die to the "outside" of us, but this time with an understanding of that "Oneness", so it will never leave us again, then our life has been successful in our own lifetime, and God will do everything else.
This I swear to you, my dearest loving brother Ellis. Amen.
May the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brother Ellis - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
3. "Who Are We", "Who Is God" Within Us, And "What Is Our Relationship"? - This is what we must understand, and then either accept or reject it, before we die
And in this way, we are in truth "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and God within us is in truth "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and if we accept and join with this "truth of us" within us, and with the "truth of God" with that truth, in this way, letting the "truth surrender to the truth" within us, then like some apple seeds do, we too will germinate, doing with our life at least as much as an apple seed does.
And in this way, we will again start to use our life to tell the story of God within the story of True Man within us, and again start to use our life within our life to tell the story of True Man within the story of God within us.
To again start to tell these stories within us, that each of us, as the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, came to this earth world within us, to this "School of Contrasts" within us, to join with the earth within us, that is, to join as "One with" with the Creation of God within us, to tell, to tell the story of God within the story of True Man within us.
And then after we successfully do that within us, within the "School of Contrasts" within us, as "One with" God within us, then as the "Seed of True Man" within that, within the "Seed of God" within us, then we go off to the next world within us, to the next "School of God" within us, to the "School of Light" within us, to join as "One with" God within us to tell the next story within us, to tell the story of True Man within the story of God within us.
And in this way within us, allowing God within us to bring to Completion what God has started within each of us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, and when He does this successfully within us, because we have properly let Him do this within us, and have properly let Him bring everything other than this within us, other than Him within us, and other than what He is doing within us, to an end, both within us and on the "outside" of us, we will be within Him.
And then He will be within "us, and "We" will be within Him, and as such "We" will be "One", as the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us. Amen.
And depending on how deeply and how frequently we do it, do this "Heart's Work" within us, that is, joining as "One with" God within us, establishing the "Presence of God" within us, before we "say or do" anything, will determine how much of this "Heart's Work" of God within us is accomplished within us, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, but always keeping in mind, that what we don't finish within us, of this "Heart's Work" within us, God will finish for us, after we die, as long as we die with the true intention of God for our age, both firm and pure within our hearts, the true intention that we become "One with" God within us, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, no matter what.
No matter what that involves, no matter what that may require, no matter what must leave us for this intention to be completed within us, which in truth is everything that God has discarded, that God has discarded in becoming God within us, which is everything that we currently see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, which in truth is everything that in our ignorance has manifested within us, and now exists within us as lives of hell, lives of evil, and as the qualities of the Creation of God within us, in a state of incompleteness within us, which in our ignorance we only see, only see a small reflection of it, on the "outside" of us. Such is our current state, which is Ok, when we truly re-connect to, become again "One with" the "Power of God" within us, because "God can do anything". Amen.
So depending on how deeply and how frequently we do it, do this "Heart's Work" within us, will determine how much of this "Heart's Work" of God within us is accomplished within us, before we physically die to the "outside" of us.
For example, by "us" joining as "One with" God within us to take this "journey" of "Oneness" within us all the way to God within us, starting by joining with, becoming "One with", the "Gift of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, both within us and on the "outside" of us, in order to "awaken the wisdom surrounding our soul", allowing the wisdom within us to start to do battle with the "Enemy of our soul", which in truth is each of "us" living our current life of "separation and differences", our current life of sin, on the "outside" of us, our current life of "us" and our dearest loving brothers and sisters, in the world that we see in our collective ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, and doing all of this "Heart's Work" within us, joined as "One with" God within us, in order to remove our "separation" from each other, which in truth is our "separation from" ourselves.
And for example, depending on how frequently we do this "Heart's Work" within us, that is as "One with" God within us, for example, by establishing and riding the one true intention of our life within us, on our every breath, that is, the intention that "I am not, only God exists" within us, which in the Islamic tradition is recited both out loud and silently as the main Kalimah or remembrance of God, which in Arabic is pronounced, "La illaha Ill Allahu", and in English can be translated to mean, "There is nothing other than God. You are Allah".
And the intention, "God is One" within us, which is really saying the same thing, but just from another perspective, like the many facets of the same gem, which in our case is the "One Gem" that is God within each of us.
The intention that "God is One" within us, that within us, there is "Only God, and what He is doing" within us, and everything that we see on the "outside" is really traceable to that, to God within us, and to what God is doing within us, which when we see it through our awaken wisdom within us, which is Moses (peace be upon Him) within us, joined as "One with" our liberated soul within us, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, which in truth is the "Seed of Muhammad" within us, is our direct connection to God within us, which when everything both within us and on the "outside" of us, is seen through this state of consciousness within us, is in truth God revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
But when we see anything through our "mind and desire", through our "arrogance, karma, and illusion", through our desire for "earth, women, and gold", it becomes the drama of our life on the "outside" of us, the drama of "you and I", of "mine and yours" that we currently see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, a drama which is always seen in our ignorance as "us" and our dearest loving brothers and sisters living our current lives of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us.
And that is the difference, the difference between a life lived through our awakened wisdom and our liberated soul, and a life lived through our mind and desire, one is leading us to God, and the other is leading us to hell.
And in this way, if we join with God within us, to remember God within us in this way, riding both of these true intentions for our life, which are really just one intention, on each breathe that we take, on each breathe coming to and going from us, the intention that in truth "Only God exists" within us, that in truth "God is One" within us, doing it both on our "in" and on our "out" breaths, like a stallion, which in the Islamic tradition is called the "Kalimah Horse", then our life has become successful in our own lifetime, and God will complete everything else. Amen.
And then as our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us, in the beautiful on-line book of wisdom "Islam and World Peace: Explanations of a Sufi" (www.bmf.org/iswp), that within that intention, you will,
"Realize what happiness is, and know the goodness that comes from it, you will know what joy and goodness are". Amen.
Thank you, my dearest loving brother Ellis, "Thanks for listening. God's Peace", my new found brother of the "One Open Heart of God" for our age, the heart of the "Gift of God" for our age for the Children of God for our age, the heart of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of God within Him.
My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
So be it, So be it, O Ruler of the Universes. So be it, So be it, O Mercy of the Universes. So be it, So be it, O Compassion of the Universes. All praise and praising belongs to God and to God alone. Only God is Great.
[Note: to read the first Spiritual Letter that was written by this Child, after the physical death of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on December 8, 1986, a letter that was truly written by this child as "One with" God within us, that is, as "One with" Bawa within us, and as "One with God within Him, Spiritual Letter 01, a letter that was written in April of 1989 to Rev. George. A. Johnson, Nigeria, Africa, and had a very similar title as this Topic in Spiritual Letter 66, that is, "Who Are We? Who Is God? And What Is The Relationship Between Us?", to read this letter on-line please click on the following: Spiritual Letter 01 (www.SpiritualLetter001.homestead.com). Thank you. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen]
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